Today's soundtrack:
The Joshua Tree by U2
Just a quick note that the other half of the Edwardian Sisterhood (est. 2003 in Florence, Italy at a hatstand) now has a blog!
I should update. I know. Something about horchatas in Valencia. My facebook page is up-to-date, but the blog suffers. Not for much longer, though. I have to write the other half of my Sterne paper, then back to business (re: procrastination) as usual.
Of course, the whole lack of updating could really just be a symptom of my quasi-hibernation which seems to have re-erupted in time for summer. My avoidance of people in the real world has translated into avoidance of people in the internet world.
But back to Arrested Development.
The hatstand misses you. Thanks for the nod, Lady K!