Urban Hymns by the Verve
Well, following D's lead, I headed to MyHeritage.com in search of my famous twins. The picture is question is this oh-so-flattering shot of me in a sombrero.

Classy, no? Here are the results:
71% Madonna
69% Annette Bening
66% Winona Ryder
65% Virginia Mayo
63% Shania Twain
62% Audrey Tautou
61% Sarah Michelle Gellar
60% Christina Ricci
58% Kim Basinger
58% Hilary Rodham Clinton
Now here's the funny thing. I've been claiming a geneological connection to Mrs. Clinton for years, ever since I discovered that in the early 1600s, a Joseph S- married a Rodham. See, I knew we were related, and this proves it!
I would, however, like to draw attention to the rather non-Edwardian women on this list. I hardly think that Madonna's former wild behaviour fits the doctrines of all that is Edwardian; however, as she is now living in England and wearing more pearls, I suppose I will allow her to remain with only a small sniff of disapproval. And Sarah Michelle Gellar's antics on that Buffy show... tsk tsk tsk... what every happened to wasting away? I would refer Ms. Gellar to Ms. Ryder's far more suitable portrayal of Edwardianism invalidism and lethargy in Dracula.
But then again, I was running around in a sombrero...